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Real story behind the Ohio State robot (STN-YGF)

Real story behind the Ohio State robot (STN-YGF)

A human-looking robot called STN-YGF is said to be set to become the security guard to serve and protect citizens in the United States. It is also said, the robot will be tested in the State of Ohio, hence getting the tag “Ohio robot.”

STN-YGF is believed to be developed by an undisclosed Japanese robotic company, and was hired by the US government as a security guard.

However, similarities have been identified in the walking step of the robot and the President of the United States of America, Joe Biden and also carries his infamous bag.

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Twitter user @0708America reacting to it said; Meet the new Government Robot robot STN-YGF..It even walks like Joe Biden, carries the bag of lies…

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The reality of the STN-YGF has however been in doubt, with no official announcement from the United States government. The source of the robot is being questioned.

Some however believe the video of STN-YGF robot is an AI generated video targeted at mocking the President of America, Joe Biden. Highlighting his steps, bag and how he waves.

An interesting part of the video was the robot being saluted by a soldier.

Football writer at AllSoccer. Graduate of Computer Science from Kenule Beeson Saro-Wiwa Polytechnic. Dreamt of becoming a footballer, find self writing about football.

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