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Watch Angel Di Maria spit on Brazil fans, as Argentina leaves the pitch

Watch Angel Di Maria spit on Brazil fans, as Argentina leaves the pitch

The FIFA World Cup qualifiers played between Brazil and Argentina was disrupted by 30 minutes on Tuesday, following an ugly fight by fans of both sides in the stands of the Maracana stadium.

Per reports, when the home fans began jeering Argentina’s national anthem, the Albiceleste and Selecao supporters got into an massive altercation. Even after local police got involved, the fight persisted with thousands of fans going violently at themselves.

As it became obvious that it was turning to chaos, Lionel Messi and the rest of the Argentina team hurried to the stands to break it up, but the Ballon d’Or winner eventually led his teammates off the pitch for their safety and also in protest of the Brazilian police’s handling of Argentine fans.

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Argentina and Brazil fans fight in World Cup qualifying match.

But as they made their way to the tunnel, Brazil fans appeared to be hurling glasses and other beverages at Angel Di Maria and his Argentina teammates.

In response, Di Maria spat back at the fans, and his teammates talked back as well. But as the players headed to the locker room, the confrontation did not get more than that.

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Following the restart of the match after police had intervened and cleared the pitch, Argentina went on to triumph over their biggest rivals, defeating Brazil 1-0 thanks to a goal by defender Nicolas Otamendi in the 63rd minute.

Watch the video below:

Football writer at AllSoccer. Graduate of Computer Science from Kenule Beeson Saro-Wiwa Polytechnic. Dreamt of becoming a footballer, find self writing about football.

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