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Ibrahimovic tears WWE’s Omos to shred in verbal confrontation

Ibrahimovic tears WWE’s Omos to shred in verbal confrontation

Zlatan Ibrahimovic has replied WWE’s Omos after the wrestler attacked him for always trolling legendary players who he termed better than him.

Omos mocked Ibrahimovic to be twice smaller his size yet claims to be so big. Read HERE; replying to the WWE fighter, Ibrahimovic said he looks like a giant to others but not to a lion like him. Ibra said it’ll take just one stone from a little kid to bring down the gigantic wrestler.

“To humans He looks like one hell of a Giant, very scary. To me (lion) He looks like Goliath one stone not even from David but from a little kid like the one who scored the wining goal for Aston Villa against Liverpool back in 2020 would bring him down.

” I don’t understand why He talks about football instead of enjoying being kicked and bruised in Wrestling. I don’t even have a favorite in Wrestling because I don’t care about a sport that is on scripture.” –

I am a Footballer I use my talents to be on top not the acting they do there in WWE ring. I was in America with LA Galaxy the whole year He was quiet and now I am in Italy He is talking. He is probably new in the world of fame introducing himself by attacking a big man that is not even in his industry.”-

Omos I say bring it on with your favorite Footballer am waiting for you. My Adress 013 jk street Milan Italy, you are welcome to my Room. Lukaku should also give this brother of his, the directions to Milan he needs to be zlatanized “

The fight started as a result of Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Neymar verbal proof of superiority. Ibrahimovic had attacked Neymar, hitting on him not being one if the best player in the world.

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Football writer at AllSoccer. Graduate of Computer Science from Kenule Beeson Saro-Wiwa Polytechnic. Dreamt of becoming a footballer, find self writing about football.

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