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Mo Salah and Eden Hazard comparison trails amid Hazard’s retirement

Mo Salah and Eden Hazard comparison trails amid Hazard’s retirement

Eden Hazard has announced his official retirement from football. The news of his retirement erupt mixed reactions amongst football fans and even comparison.

Liverpool winger, Mohamed Salah has been forced into a comparison with the Chelsea legend who called a quit to football at 32-year-old.

Hazard played the best part of his career winning everything possible. Mo Salah reached the highest height of his career playing for Liverpool.

Both players were/is their team’s best players. Mo Salah is a better goalscorer while Hazard was a better dribbler and all round player.

Mo Salah scored goals winning golden boots ahead of actual strikers. Aside Lionel Messi, Eden Hazard has recorded the most amount of dribbles in football since Opta started accumulating statistics.

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Liverpool and Chelsea fans has divided picking who is the better player amongst both players.

Here are some takes from both fanbases;

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Football writer at AllSoccer. Graduate of Computer Science from Kenule Beeson Saro-Wiwa Polytechnic. Dreamt of becoming a footballer, find self writing about football.

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