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The Reason ex Barca chief, Ponti called Messi a hormonal dwarf, sewer rat

The Reason ex Barca chief, Ponti called Messi a hormonal dwarf, sewer rat

Leaked WhatsApp chat reveals Lionel Messi was subjected to nasty insults from ex Barcelona chief, Roman Gomez Ponti.

Ponti, a former head of legal services at Barcelona rained insults on Lionel Messi in a leaked group WhatsApp chat of Barcelona’s board of directors.

Former Barcelona President, Maria Bartomeu, Oscar Grau, and executives Jordi Moix, Oriol Tomas, and David Bellver. Former CFO Pancho Schroder and Director for Strategy & Innovation Javier Sobrino were also part of the chats.

Why Ponti insulted Messi

Ponti began raining insults on Lionel Messi when the Argentine demanded that his wages and that of his close friend, Luis Suarez should not be reduced during the time the club was hit with a serious financial problem.

The board began to panic after setting their eyes on a leaked document from El Mundo that shows Lionel Messi’s contract.

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They immediately took their group chat to poor their heart on how they felt, leading to Ponti’s throwing abusive missiles at the Argentine.

Messi had spent all his playing career at Barcelona before the club’s financial crisis made him leave for Paris Saint Germain.

According to Sports, Ponti said the following words to Messi;

“Barto, really, you can’t be such a good person with this sewer rat. The club has given him everything and he has dedicated himself to marking a dictatorship of signings, transfers, renewals, sponsors just for him, etc.”

Ponti also went on call Lionel Messi’s wife a drug dealer.

“I will never be able to do it but to the figures of his contract should be added Pinto, the renewal of Suarez, and Jordi Alba, or the renewal fee of Fati (Rodrigo Messi, agent?). But he doesn’t even know how to read and on top of that he had a drug dealer as a partner).”

Ponti tagged Messi a  “hormonal dwarf” after accusing him of blackmail.

“And above all, the accumulation of blackmails and disrespect that the club and those of us who work at the club have suffered from this hormonal dwarf who owes Barcelona his life… ah!”

“But when things go wrong (pandemic) you receive the mythical WhatsApp message: ‘presi, lower the salary of the others, but don’t touch me and Luis’. I hope he leaves amidst the indifference of the people, which is the worst thing that can happen to him.”

Here is Bertomeu response to Ponti’s claims;

“I agree on many things, but first Barcelona and this type of article hurts the club’s image.”

Football writer at AllSoccer. Graduate of Computer Science from Kenule Beeson Saro-Wiwa Polytechnic. Dreamt of becoming a footballer, find self writing about football.

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